Program of the day
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Program of the day

With great excitement, we announce the launch of the second edition of the “Who is Who in Suriname Business Directory”!
Below, you’ll find the program for the day:

19:00 – 19:30Walk-in
19:30 – 19:35Welcome Remarks & Overview – MC
19:35 – 19:45Special Remarks: Dr. Vishnu Doerga & Anuskha Sonai
19:45 – 20:00“Who’s Who Directory Cover Unveiling – Special Guests
& Handing over of first copies to distinguished guests”
20:00 – 20:10Speech – CEO – ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc Suriname – Mr. Preshant Awadhpersad
20.10 – 20: 15Speech – CEO – Suriname Guyana Chamber of Commerce – Mr.Rahul Lildhar
20:15 – 20:25“Speech – Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Business and
International Collaboration – H.E. Minister Ramdin (Confirmed)”
20:25 – 20:30Vote of Thanks & Closing – MC
20.30 – 21:00Networking